Expanded Course Descriptions & Supplemental Course Information Additional course information (beyond what is described here) may be found by going to the current class web sites for a specific instructor. You will find those more specific pages by going to the "Course Materials" section. Sierra College offers an unusually broad selection of biological courses that are designed to meet diverse student needs. Please consult the Sierra College catalogue and meet with your counselor to identify those courses which meet the needs for biology majors and non-majors, and to determine which courses are transferable (to CSU, UC, etc.) Biological Sciences A.S. Degree The Biological Sciences curriculum provides students with the opportunity to meet the requirements for transferring to four year colleges in the areas of agriculture, animal science, biochemistry, bioengineering, biological sciences, biotechnology, chiropractic, clinical lab technician, curator, dental hygiene, dentistry, environmental studies, forestry, nutrition/dietetics, occupational therapy, plant science, pharmacy, physical therapy, pre-medical, nursing, range management, veterinary medicine, wildlife/fisheries biology, zoology, or entry level positions in related fields. Students must fulfill general education requirements for the AA/AS degree and take 20 units from a list of required biology courses and chemistry/geology/math/physics electives. Diverse Offerings in the Biological Sciences for Students not Majoring in Biology! A wide variety of biology courses are offered for students not majoring in biology but need to fulfill his or her general education, life science requirements. Non-major students may choose from a wide variety of specific biology courses related to their own interests while meeting the General Education science requirements. Most of these courses also satisfy the General Education requirement for completing a laboratory science course. In addition, these courses may meet transfer requirements for students majoring in areas such as agriculture, horticulture, forestry, wildlife biology, environmental science, and other applied science fields. Courses The following Bio. Sci. courses meet Sierra's 1999-2000 General Education Requirements for the Natural Sciences (Life Sciences): Bio. Sci. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7AB, 10, 11, 14, 15, 22, 33, 35, 36, 44, 55, 56, & 56/56L. Of those the following Bio. Sci. courses also meet the laboratory requirements for an A.S. degree: Bio. Sci. 1, 2, 3. 4, 5, 6, 7AB, 11, 14, 15, 22, 33, 44, 55, 56/56L. (Offerings primarily for Bio. Sci. majors and biology-related majors) Bio. Sci. 1 - General Biology (Offerings primarily for non-bio. majors, preparation for taking Bio. Sci. courses intended for bio. majors, & special interest courses for enrichment) Bio. Sci. 10 - Introduction to Biology Bio. Sci. 16 - Field Courses (Not offered consistently; offered on a rotational basis as time, interest and seasons permitssee current class schedules for actual offerings.) Bio. Sci. 16A - Local Ecosystems of Placer County
Bio. Sci. 16G - Field Paleontology and Ancient Environments
Bio. Sci. 16L - California Waterways (Riparian & Aquatic Biology)
Bio. Sci. 16Q - Ecology of Mid-Western North America
Bio. Sci. 16W - Biology of Pacific Northwest and the Cascades
Copyright 2002 Sierra College Biological Sciences Department