Bio. Sci. 28 - Independent Study: Course Detail (variable: 1-3 units / requires special instructor permission and approval of project proposal prior to registration's add/drop deadline; independent study can emphasize any area of or related to biological sciences; see appropriate area lead instructor for further assistance and approval prior to enrolling.) Catalog Description: Designed for students interested in furthering their knowledge at an independent study level in an area where no specific curriculum offering is currently available. Independent study problems might include, but are not limited to, research papers, special construction projects, and research projects. May be taken for a maximum of 12 units. Additional Info.: This course, although not specifically listed in each semester's schedule is always available upon request and with the permission of a biology instructor. Students are provided this opportunity to explore and learn in specific areas of study of their own choosing, under the guidance of the faculty and with the support of the Bio. Sci. Department. Students should plan to spend at least three hours per week working independently on their studies for each unit of credit for which they have enrolled. (For official course listings, please consult the Sierra College online course catalog.) |
Copyright 2002 Sierra College Biological Sciences Department