Bio. Sci. 23 - Wildflower Identification: Course Detail (1/2 unit / lect. & lab. combined - does not qualify as a lab. science for general ed. // Special note: also taught as Env. Hort. 181) Full-Time Faculty Lead: Shawna Martinez Catalog Description: Field trip to the local foothills for plant identification, keying, uses, and ecology. Additional Info.: Bio. Science 23 Wildflower Identification is an introductory course that provides a more formal opportunity for students from many disciplines to learn the techniques of "keying" in general and to study specifically groups of wildflowers by taxonomic classification or habitats. Within the broad field of biology, wild flower botany is a popular topic and one which is politically more important due to California's increasing population growth. We expect this course to serve specific needs for many community groups, schools and individual students who want to learn more about flowering plants, yet do not need nor are ready for a full term botany class. (For official course listings, please consult the Sierra College online course catalog.) |
Copyright 2005 Sierra College Biological Sciences Department