Bio. Sci. 1 - General Biology: Course Detail (4 units / lect. & lab. combined) Full-Time Faculty Lead: Elena Pravosudova Catalog Description: Emphasizes the basic biological principles as related to cell structure and function, levels of organization, reproduction, genetics, development, adaptation, behavior, and ecology. Recommended for majors in life science, nursing, premedical, preveterinary, and other related preprofessional programs. Non-life science majors see Biological Sciences 10, 11, 14, 44, 56, and 56L. (CAN BIOL 2) - Prerequisite: Completion of Chem. 1A, or Chem. 3A and 3B (may be taken concurrently), or high school chemistry. Advisory: Completion of Bio. Sci. 10 or 11 or Bio. Sci. 56, or high school biology strongly recommended. Additional Info.: Bio. Sci. 1 General Biology serves a variety of needs by the various biological sciences majors, physical education and other majors. It is the beginning class of a series designed to meet the needs of the biology majors. It provides an in-depth and rigorous look at the general, unifying concepts and ideas of biology. For biology majors, its curriculum assumes that students successfully completing Bio. 1 will go on to complete Bio. Sci. 2 and 3 before leaving the college. Unofficially, successful completion of Bio. Sci. 1 would also give students a good background to succeed in any of our other major's courses such as Bio. Sci. 4, 5, and 6. Typical class outline might include: Scientific Method, Biochemistry, Energy concepts, Enzymes, Cell structure and function, Membrane processes, Photosynthesis, Respiration, Fermentation, Chromosomes, Cell cycle, Mitosis, Meiosis, Genetics, DNA, Protein synthesis, Genomics, Biotechnology, Developmental genetics, Evolution: natural selection, sexual and kin selection, Population genetics, Speciation, Phylogeny, Introduction to ecology, Population ecology (For official course listings, please consult the Sierra College online course catalog.) |
Copyright 2002 Sierra College Biological Sciences Department