Bio. Sci. 5 - Human Anatomy: Course Detail (4 units / lect. & lab. combined) Full-Time Faculty Lead: Linda Banta Catalog Description: Structure, relationships among structures, and histology of the organ systems of the human body. A rigorous course in human anatomy designed especially for science/medical majors (for example, premedical, predental, prenursing, occupational and physical therapy, laboratory technician, medical technician, physical education, zoology, biology, and other science-oriented majors). Cats dissected and cadaver prosections utilized in the laboratory. Non-majors see Biological Sciences 55, 56, and 56L. (CAN BIOL 10) Advisory: Completion of Bio. Sci. 55 or 56 or H.Sci. 3 or previous science course or experience in health care field recommended. Additional Info.: Bio. Sci. 5 Human Anatomy is a majors course designed to study the structure, relationships among structures, and histology of the organ systems of the human body. Laboratory experiences include work with human cadavers, preserved cats, models, human skeleton materials, and microscopic tissue slides. The course has traditionally been offered at a variety of times including day and evening hours and at a variety of locations including Rocklin and Grass Valley. Although not required, many of our pre-RN nursing students will take the anatomy class first (of the three commonly taken - anatomy, microbiology and physiology). As with other areas, the opportunity for advanced anatomical studies with the cadavers is possible using the independent study class, Bio. Sci. 28. Typical class outline might include: Anatomical Orientation, Cytology, Histology, Epithelial Tissues, Connective Tissues, Osteology, Skeletal System, Arthrology, Integumentary System, Muscle Tissues, Muscular System, Nervous Tissue, Central Nervous System, Peripheral Nervous System, Autonomic Nervous System, Special Senses, Circulatory Systems, Lymph, Blood, Heart, Arteries and Veins, Respiratory System, Digestive System, Regional Anatomy, Urinary System, Reproduction (For official course listings, please consult the Sierra College online course catalog.) |
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