Bio. Sci. 15 - Marine Biology: Course Detail (4 units / lect. & lab. combined - does not qualify as a lab. science for general ed.) Full-Time Faculty Lead: Joe Medeiros Catalog Description: Introduction to the physical and biological aspects of the marine environment. Stresses conservation and the proper use of the marine resources. Designed for both science and non-science majors. Advisory: Completion of a biology or zoology course recommended Additional Info.: Bio. Sci. 15, Marine Biology is a popular biology class that deals directly with the biology and ecology of the world's marine environments. While serving the interest of many students, biology majors and non-majors alike, it introduces the concepts of biology, ecology, oceanography, diversity of marine life and the influences of mankind on the marine environments which cover approximately seventy percent of the earth's surface. It provides students with an opportunity to learn in a different mode during extended field trips to outdoor, marine habitats. Even in our seemingly mobile society, many enrolled students have never been in tidepools and some may have never seen the ocean. Most of the laboratory time may be spent working in tidepools and other coastal outdoor laboratories during scheduled weekend field trips. Contact current course instructor for details. Typical class outline might include: Ocean as Habitat, Ecology, General Biology, Marine Animal Diversity, Intertidal Communities, Primary Producers, Production, Estuaries, Marshes, Mudflats, Zooplankton, Nekton, Marine Tetrapods, Benthic Communities, Coral Reefs & Islands, Fisheries, Ocean Pollution (For official course listings, please consult the Sierra College online course catalog.) |
Copyright 2002 Sierra College Biological Sciences Department