Biological Sciences 7A and 7B
Principles of Human Anatomy
Announcements - Fall 2010 Semester
Open, Closed or Special Laboratory Study Hours
Most Recent Update: Wednesday, Dec. 1, 2010
Please understand that we are working to provide you this extended study service and to communicate times for additional study, as accurately as we can. Many classes and instructors share the Anatomy laboratory for their classes, and we are attempting to coordinate these open times for your benefit. Please acknowledge that this special service and privilege is extended to you, beyond "normal" practices. Very importantly, remember to "take care" of your laboratory and study materials in the lab, to insure these additional study times continue for the semester. Thank you for your cooperation.
Please check back "here" for any "last minute" cancellations or changes to this special open laboratory schedule, before you come to campus. If the main building doors are locked when you come, go to the end door facing the Theater building and closest to the Anatomy lab. Thank you.
Special Laboratory Study Days and Times:
The Anatomy Lab will be opened:
Friday, Dec. 3 - 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM
Saturday, Dec. 4 - 8:00 AM to 2:00 PM
Sunday, Dec. 5 - 1:00 PM to 9:00 PM
Weekly Open Lab Days and Times - Regular Schedule*:
(subject to change - see below for changes & updates)
Monday: 12:30 PM - 1:45 PM and 4:20 PM - 6:00 PM
Tuesday: 12:30 PM - 4:45 PM
Wednesday: 12:30 PM - 1:45 PM and 5:20 PM - 6:00 PM
Thursday: 12:30 PM - 4:45 PM
Friday: 12:45 PM - 4:45 PM
*Cancelled Weekly Open Lab Study Days and Times:
Usually, during the two days or week that Anatomy laboratory exams are actually being given, the "weekly" open lab schedule (above) will be cancelled, closed or modified for additional study in order to set-up and administer the exams. Your regular class sessions, depending on which class you are in, may meet as scheduled. Ask your instructor for the most accurate information on laboratory scheduling times.

Links to Specific Instructor's Class Information
If additional class information is available for our students via the Web, the specific class section will be linked above. Only those class sections with additional class information are listed here.
General Class Resources for all Human Anatomy Students:
Anatomy Laboratory - Photo Tour
General Student Information and Support
Photomicrographs of Anatomy Tissues and Organs
Photographs of Skeletal Materials (coming soon, hopefully)
Sierra College Biological Sciences:
Extended Course Information
Enrollment Guide & Resources
Recommended Study Techniques
Web Links - Biological Sciences Resources
Catalog Description:
Structure, relationships among structures, and histology of the organ system of the human body. Includes muscle, cardiovascular, lymphatic, endocrine, respiratory, digestive, urinary and reproductive systems. Cadaver prosections are used for instruction. The sequence of BIOL 7A/7B is equivalent to BIOL 5. (CSU, UC-with unit limitation)
Prerequisite: Completion of BIOL 7A with a grade of "C" or better
Hours: 72 (36 lecture, 36 laboratory)
For the most current enrollment and class status information, always view the current Sierra College Class Schedule or contact your instructor directly. Information provided on this website is subject to change - it is your responsibility to always consult with your instructor for the most current information concerning your class.
The Human Anatomy classes at Sierra College have a long tradition of providing excellent learning services to our students. We make a sincere effort to provide an open and supportive educational environment, which encourages and allows students to be successful in obtaining their educational goals.
We offer students a rich variety of related curricula to meet various occupational and educational needs including: Bio. Sci. 5 - Human Anatomy, Bio. Sci. 7A & 7B - Principles of Human Anatomy, Bio. Sci. 56 & 56L - Biology: A Human Perspective, Bio. Sci. 55 - General Human Anatomy and Physiology, Bio. Sci. 28 - Independent Study. Bio. Sci. 7A & 7B provides the identical course content as the challenging, one semester, Human Anatomy (B.S. 5) course, but spreads it over a two semester time frame. Accompanying the Human Anatomy course is our separate yet companion course, Bio. Sci. 6 - Human Physiology. Together they work to fill a variety of Health Science and related requirements. For more information about the all the courses offered by the department see our expanded Course Descriptions and Information page.