Sierra College Department of Biological Sciences

Biological Sciences 4 (and 8A/8B): Microbiology

Instructor: Sasha Warren
Phone: 916-660-7922, Office: S114B

Instructor: Warren Place
Phone: 916-660-7919, Office: S-120

Welcome to Microbiology!
Biological Sciences 4 and 8A/8B


Bullet: Drawing of a virus

Microbiology Class Canvas Website
(for current announcements, syllabus, schedules, grades, etc.)

Bullet: Drawing of a zygo

Web Based Laboratory Assignments

Bullet: Drawing of a hema

Study guide answers

Bullet: Drawing of a diatom

Laboratory visuals for Bio. 4:

Photomicrographs (feb2016)

Illustrations and Diagnostic Tests

Bullet: Drawing of a cocci


Microscope Images: Image 1 - Image 2

Bullet: Drawing of a head

Links to other Microbiology/Biology Web sites

Bullet: Drawing of a cleist


Microbiology Laboratory

Environmental (Field) Microbiology

Bullet: Drawing of conidia

Study Techniques


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