Biological Sciences 1
General Biology
Links to Specific Instructor's Class Information
Fall 2009 Semester
Jennifer Skillen (sections 80317, 80318 and 80321)
Betsy Garfield
Jeffrey Kiefer (section 80320)
Additional class information maybe available for our students via the Sierra College Blackboard Web site. There may be other sections of this course available; please check the current Sierra College Class Schedule. Only those class sections with additional class information are listed here.
Catalog Description:
First course in the General Biology sequence for biology majors and pre-professional students. Covers general biological concepts, with an emphasis on cellular and molecular biology, genetics, and evolution. (CAN BIOL 2) (With BIO.SCI. 2 & 3, CAN BIOL SEQ A)
Units: 4; Advisory: Eligibility for English 1A or equivalent; Prerequisite: Completion of Chem. 1A, or Chem. 3A and 3B (may be taken concurrently), or high school chemistry; completion of English 50 or equivalent
Transfer: CSU/UC
For the most current enrollment and class status information, always view the current Sierra College Class Schedule or contact your instructor directly.

Sierra College Biological Sciences:
Extended Course Information
Enrollment Guide & Resources
Recommended Study Techniques
Web Links - Biological Sciences Resources