Microscope Slide Image Collection
Donations Donations to the Biological Sciences Department are appreciated and can be made through the Sierra College Foundation or directly to the Biology Department to help with this project. Donations are always welcome and needed to support our many on-going projects. To donate to this Photomicrograph Web Project, please make checks payable to: Checks can be mailed care of: Jim Wilson, Biological Sciences Department, Sierra College, 5000 Rocklin Rd., Rocklin, California, 95677-3397. Please send no cash - checks only. Donations to the Bio. Sci. Special Fund (#275), made in association with this project, will be used to increase this photographic collection and upgrade our photographic and computer equipment used in conjunction with this project. Thank you for your support and interest in the Sierra College Biological Sciences Department. Reasonable Use Statement, Restrictions and Guidelines This collection of photographic images is available for instructional purposes and directed to students for the purposes of study and review. It is our intent to improve its quality and to add images to the collection, as time permits. All of the photographs are original images created by the Biological Sciences staff. Within the limitations described above, they can be used by anyone for educational purposes. Students may want to download images, include them in papers and written assignments, or create flash cards for study. This collection of photographic images is the "property" of Sierra Community College District and can be freely used and reproduced by all students, individuals or organizations except for commercial purposes. Use without written permission, where profits will be potentially or actually obtained by the selling of these photographs either directly or indirectly by the inclusion of these photographs in other materials is forbidden. Permission can be obtained for commercial uses by directly contacting the Biological Sciences Department by E-mail (jwilson@sierracollege.edu) or by phone (916-781-0429). Donations (for commercial use) to the Sierra College Foundation's Biological Sciences Special Fund may be suggested. Whenever any of these photographs are used, appropriate credit and citations must be given. Thank you for your cooperation.
Copyright 2005 Sierra College Biological Sciences Department