Discover the Biological Sciences The introductory information for this site has been contributed as a joint assignment by students in Bio. Sci. 10.
By: Kei Igarashi Biodiversity is difficult to describe in one word. There are three things you have to know to define it. Biodiversity is the diversity of the individual. Every organism has different and special gene information to create our body. However, a lot of domesticated plants have been controlled by human and their gene information is very similar. So, if they got suffered by abnormal weather or harmful insects, they almost get same damages. Symmetrical, wild plants never get damage like domesticated plants. Second definition of Biodiversity is the diversity of the species. If I change to easier word, it is the differentiation of the species. Now, Scientists have estimated the number of species on the earth and it is about 5,000,000~10,000,000. The third meaning of Biodiversity is the diversity of the ecosystem. We call it ecosystem because every species (including ourselves) live together in one big or small place with competing and coexistence. Every biosphere makes a unique weather and lay of the land. Species can be adapted it and make the varieties of the life. Therefore, Biodiversity is the variation of life forms within a given for all over the Earth.
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