Discover the Biological Sciences The introductory information for this site has been contributed as a joint assignment by students in Bio. Sci. 10.
By: Jeffrey Worthington
1) Biological field or sub-topic chosen: 2) Define field or sub-topic:
Well in this field there is plant development, reproductive control, dormancy, seasonality, diffusion of water and nutrients just to name a few things that can be studied in this field.
Phytochemisty (the study of chemicals in the plant) which has led to the genetically enhanced apples, the knowledge of how to better pollinate fruits, vegetables, and floral plants; to modify DNA structure to make different colored flowers, extracting trace amounts of drugs out of plants for pharmaceutical uses, and plethora of other things that we take for granted in today’s agricultural, pharmaceutical, and floral world.
The amount of effort that is being put into the commercial floral industry is astounding. In 2004, after 20 years of research a company by the name Florigene created a rose that was truly blue.
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