Sierra College Department of Biological Sciences

Discover the Biological Sciences

The introductory information for this site has been contributed as a joint assignment by students in Bio. Sci. 10.

Anatomy - Reproductive System

By: Alyssa Richardson

1) Biological field or sub-topic chosen:
Anatomy - Reproductive

2) Define field or sub-topic:

3) Describe in more detail the breath and depth of what could be studied or learned within this topic:
What could be learned from this topic is how the reproductive system works in both male and female bodies. As we all know the reproductive system is what enables us to procreate, but we may not know all the different body parts that are actually involved in reproduction. Although sperm doesn’t always reach an egg and fertilize it, each month the female body prepares for this to happen during ovulation.

4) Focusing on one major concept, principle, or group of organisms (as appropriate within the topic), describe its importance, relationships, functional aspects, or otherwise explain it in more depth as seems important to you and (potentially) the others in class:
The human reproductive system’s functional aspects are amazing in the sense that it only takes 9 months to create another human life. Beginning with conception the vagina and uterus are what receive sperm from the man. The vagina is connected to the uterus through the cervix. The uterus is connected to the ovaries through the Fallopian tubes. During menstruation, the ovaries release an ovum, which passes through the fallopian tube into the uterus, if sperm has the opportunity to meet with the egg they can combine and start fertilization. If the egg doesn’t meet with sperm, it will be flushed out during menstruation.

In males, the testes lie just below the body in the scrotum. They are required to be below the abdominal cavity for the production of sperm because body temperatures are too high for sperm to live elsewhere. They begin to develop in the abdominal cavity then drop into the scrotal sacs during the last 2 months of fetal development.

5) In studying and discovering more about this topic, what was the most interesting aspect, fact or some other piece of information that you have learned.
The most interesting aspect about the human reproductive system that I have found while studying this topic is how “The umbilical cord extends from the placenta to the embryo, and transports food to and wastes from the embryo.”( I find it amazing that as new life is forming it is completely dependant upon the mother for its nutrients. It is also very interesting how the fetus can’t get too much of any single nutrient and how it will only take its nutrients as a full set rather that just taking all that are available.

6) References – provide references used and at least two Web sites with additional information on this topic (or sub-topic) for anyone that would like to learn more:

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