Discover the Biological Sciences The introductory information for this site has been contributed as a joint assignment by students in Bio. Sci. 10.
By: Lindsey Barney 1. The sub-topic is: Human Anatomy 2. Human Anatomy is the study of the human body, which shows the devolvement, functions and the process of the human body. 3. The study of the human body more in depth we learn of what the body is made up of. The 4. I would like to focus on the tissue in the human body. Tissues are made up of a group of cells that come together and form tissues. The human body has four different kinds of tissues. Which are the connective tissue which gives support to the ligaments, bone, skin and cartilage. Next is the muscle tissue which is a special type of tissue because it contains myosin and protein actin. Then we have the epithelial tissue which is a protection to are organs. It helps to keep them in place and protect them from damage. The epithelial tissue is a strong, tight lining for our body. The fourth tissue is the nerve tissue which gives our brain and electrical signal to our brain then shoots down our spine to our body. The nerve tissue is made up by neurons and glial cells. I also wanted to focus a little on the organs in the human body. Without organs our bodies wouldn’t function or be alive. Here is a list of some of the main organs in our body, digestive system, skeletal system, muscular system, nervous system, endocrine system, cardiovascular system, respiratory system, reproductive system, integumentary system, lymphatic system and the urinary system. Just think about it these are all the main organs, there are so many more organs in our body that tie into these main organs. When one organ fails, it takes so much work and medications just to keep it functioning. If we didn’t have the medicines we have now and one of your organs failed you would live very long. Every part of our body is important and if one part in our body fails us, it’s very hard for the body to continue to function properly. 5. By focusing just on one main part of the human body it really taught me more in depth of what makes the body whole. I chose the tissue in the human body, because I really didn’t know to much about them. For example, I didn’t know the body had four types of tissues. It was fascinating learning about the functions and what each tissue has to offer to our body. I think the epithelial tissue was the most interesting because of what it does and protects in our body. I also found it very interesting that each main part of the body connects to one another. The cells come together to form tissues and tissues come together to form organs. 6. The references I used are: (return to the "Discover the Biological Sciences" main index page)
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