Biological Sciences 44: Introduction to Microbiology
Bio 44 is taught only as an online (hybrid) class
Special Fall 2007 - Class Updates as of August 21, 2007:
The schedule of required Friday laboratory sessions is now posted. We apologize for the delay in posting them. Please mark these dates in you calendar if you are enrolled in Bio. Sci. 44 for Fall, 2007.
Specific Class Link for Information and Classroom Meeting Dates:
Fall 2007 Bio. Sci. 44 Introductory Class Information
Lecture sessions, and some of the testing and laboratory activities will be conducted on-line.
The scheduled lab sessions will be held on some Fridays, from 2pm to 5:05 PM in S114, on the Rocklin Campus. "Click" on the specific semester link (above) for lab dates and any other specific class information that is available now.
General Class Information
Course Description
Introduction to Microbiology is a three (3) unit lecture and laboratory course (2 lecture hours plus 3 lab hours per week). It is primarily designed for non-majors interested in microbiology and meets the general education requirements at Sierra. Bio. Sci. 44 introduces the general concepts of biology and emphasizes the significant and diverse world of microbiology. It is a survey course for non-biology majors emphasizing important bacteria, fungi, algae, protozoa, and viruses. Bio. Sci. 44 meets the general education, lab science requirement for Sierra College and CSU.
Introduction to Microbiology is recommended for general education students and especially for home economics, agriculture, and forestry majors. Nursing and allied health majors should take Bio. Sci. 4 and not take Bio. Sci. 44.
Hybrid Online Class
Bio. Sci. 44 is being taught as an online hybrid class. Although much of the class content is provided on line, it is a hybrid class because of the pre-scheduled "in-class" class/lab sessions and in-class testing. This online class utilizes Sierra College's Blackboard Distance Learning Site with additional support and coordination via this Web site. View the following Web site for general online information and Sierra College's Blackboard Orientation Requirements: http://lrc.sierracollege.edu/DL/index.html
This page also contains the new Blackboard links, and login procedures that you may need to access the class materials via Blackboard, when they become available at the start of the semester.
Class Syllabus - Resources and Information
Enrolled students, your Blackboard Bio. Sci. 44 site is the primary location to find required class assignments, materials, notices and activities.