Sierra College Microbiology
(Tuesday-Thursday Class Sections)
Fall 2008 - Independent Projects - ".ab1" Files
See below list for software and other links, as needed.
Find your name - mouse click on the link to immediately download a compressed folder, with your ".ab1" project files contained within (compressed using Stuffit (.sit).
*** REVISED as of Dec. 2, 2008 ***
7:50 AM Lab
2:00 PM Lab
6:00 PM Lab
Borets, V
Boulting, H
Butler, B
Callahan, K
Clarke, B
Clarke, B - 2
Cudney, M
Dommer, H
Hammond, S
Hampton, T
Lander, N
Lee, M
Lungu, A
Madriz, G
Mercer, K
Morris, B
O'Leary, I
Perkins, K
Rose, V
Ryan, R
Sutterfield, L
Taft, C
Wilson, J
Andress, S
Black, K
Borgen, L
Burbank, S
Davis, K
Donahue, B
Eccleston, G
Griffith, K
Grimes, S
Gulyas, L
Hawkins, H
Khasakia, M
Livesay, A
Martinez, E
Oluwafemi, O
Quero, C
Raetz, L
Rybka, O
Samson, A
Sessions, A
Sessions, A - 50
White, C
Williams, R
Babenko, M
Chavez, D
Gallagher, E
Hammond, C
Ignatchuk, A
Ignatchuk, A (2)
Jacobo, J
Johnson, A
Kennedy, S
Lehman, K
Lucchese, K
Marcucci, L
Nunnink, R
Peterson, D
Quigley, J
Tiffany, R
Williams, C
Woolgar, V
Files compressed by Stuffit - (.sit).
Free versions to expand the files are availabie.
4Peaks - visualize and edit their DNA sequence files (Mac)
BioEdit - biological sequence editor written for Windows 95/98/NT/2000/XP