Death Valley and Desert Ecosystems
Sierra College Field Study Class
Biological Sciences 16P
Field Trip Dates:
April 4, 2004 through April 10, 2004
Pre-Seminar: March 30, 2004
(630-9:20 pm, Rocklin, Room S110)
Death Valley and Desert Ecosystems
Introduction & Itinerary
Field studies in biology courses provide information and hands-on experiences at selected sites which best demonstrate the biological principles being studied. This specific spring class examines the ecosystems of Death Valley National Monument and nearby desert study sites. Extreme differences of elevation from high mountains to below sea level (valley floor) provide a rich variety of physical environments, desert plants, and animals to study. The field work will emphasize (1) identification of desert plants and animals; (2) their special adaptations to the desert climate and habitats; (3) ecological communities and their interdependence; (4) principles of desert ecology and conservation, and (5) man's influence upon the fragile desert ecosystems.
Where are we going? - Read Itinerary Below for Locations
See where we are going? - Don't miss the pre-seminar
Spring 2004 Course Code: 07746
2 Units Credit Class
Pre-Seminar: March 30, 2004
(630-9:20 pm, Rocklin campus, Room S110)
Class Requirements and Itinerary
Introduction to the Biology/Ecology of Deserts
Overall view of Death Valley & Desert Environments
Field Study Arrangements: desert travel, supplies, safety, camping, food
Field Trip Dates:
Sunday, April 4, 2004 through Saturday, April 10, 2004
Tentative Itinerary of study locations we are planning on using to view explore desert ecology,
wildflowers (including rare desert plants), geology, animals, ecosystems, and more:
Sunday, April 4th
Load 7:30 AM Leave: 8:15 AM
Travel via I5 to Hwy 138 (or 223)
Antelope Valley California Poppy Reserve
Red Rock Canyon State Park, Mojave Desert
Camp Red Rock Area
Monday, April 5th
Desert Tortoise Natural Area
Travel 395 N to Fossil Falls
Hwy 190 /138 Owens Lake, Darwin Falls
Panamint Valley Goler Canyon / Range,
Camp Ballarat Area
Tuesday, April 6th
Wildrose Canyon, Charcoal Kilns,
Pinyon Pine Forest (Telescope Pk.)
Aguerreberry Pt., Emigrant Pass
Camp Wildrose, Stovepipe or Panamint Valley Area
Wednesday, April 7th
Mosaic Canyon, Sand Dunes
Cornfield, Salt Creek, Visitor Center (Furnace Creek)
Zabriskie Pt., Devils Golf Course, Badwater
Jubilee, Salsberry Passes, Death Valley Junction, Amargosa River
Camp East side near Death Valley Junction
Thursday, April 8th
Death Valley Junction, Ash Meadows / Devils Hole
Beatty, Titus Canyon, Scotty's Castle, Ubehebe Crater
Camp East side near Bonnie Claire Flat

Friday, April 9th
Crankshaft Junction, Eureka Valley, Eureka Dunes
Hanging Rock Canyon
Camp near Bishop
Saturday, April 10th
Travel north on Hwy 395, Crowley Lake
Mono Lake, Bodie State Park
Arrive Sierra College Late Evening
Post-Seminar: April 20, 1991
(6:30-7;20 PM, Rocklin, S110)
Class requirements due
Review of trip /photographs/ Web topics
Instructor: Jim Wilson
Phone: (916) 781-0429