WATERSHED ECOLOGY The Sierra College Biological Sciences Department is proud to introduce a brand-new certificated technician program in Watershed Ecology (WET). The Watershed Ecology Technician's (WET) program offers courses leading to a certificate as well as an Associate Science degree. Watershed ecology includes the study of all aspects of the environment as well as organisms within an entire watershed - the land area draining into major creeks and river systems. Students will have the opportunity to learn the processes of biological methods and conservation essentials, environmental inventory, analysis of assessment data, regulatory processes and ecological sampling techniques. Coursework is directed toward interdisciplinary skills (e.g. biology, geology, geographic information systems, writing, and mathematics) used in the watershed ecology industry. The program can serve as the basic preparation for entry-level positions with organizations and governmental agencies that perform a variety of environmental studies including watershed ecology. Students must fulfill General Education Requirements for the A.S. degree. WATERSHED ECOLOGY - A.S. DEGREE OR CERTIFICATE (28 units) Required Core Courses: 19 Units
Plus 9 units from any of the following courses*:
Total Units Required: 28 * Only 3 units total may be taken from the Biological Science 16 Field Studies courses. ** Courses are grouped according to specific interests, but students are not limited to a specific emphasis. Note: Students opting to take Bio. Sci. 1 are advised to consult with a counselor regarding pre/corequisites.
For additional information: Contact Shawna Martinez by phone at (916) 789-2975 or by email, smartinez@sierracollege.edu
Copyright 2004 Sierra College Biological Sciences Department