Ethanol Human beings have a long history with ethanol. For thousands of years, we have been encouraging microorganism to produce it to make alcoholic beverages. More recently, we have been putting it in our cars.
Ethanol is produced in nature through fermentation. Because we have already had an overview of this process, it seems best to concentrate only on the conversion of pyruvate (pyruvic acid) to ethanol. Pyruvate is created as a result of glycolysis, and is then converted to acetaldehyde (CH3CHO). Acetaldehyde is largely the cause of hangovers, which will be discussed later. The conversion is preformed by the enzyme Pyruvate decarboxylase, which catalyzes pyruvate, releasing CO2 and acetaldehyde. This means that this reaction starts with a 3-carbon compound and results in a 2-carbon compound. This also means that we all have pyruvate decarboxylase to thank for the bubbliness of many famous beverages and fluffy, risen bread, for the CO2 is dispelled into the environment. http://bama.ua.edu/~lsbusenlehner/Chapter14b.pdf
Production Yeast consumes sugar during fermentation, however, some energy sources are starchy plants, like cereal grains. To overcome this problem, ethanol produces sometimes malt the grain. Malting is a process where the grains are allowed to germinate by soaking them in water. The tiny plants produce the enzyme amylase to convert their starchy energy reserves into sugars. The germination process is then halted by heating the grain and drying it out. When this grain, now malted, is smashed up and mixed with water, amylase continues to do its job, and the starches are converted to sugars. These sugars can now be used by the yeast. Some common grains used for malting are barely, wheat, corn, and rice. Similar processes can also be used to convert potato starch to usable sugars. Not all energy sources are primarily starch, however, and those that are already sugars need not be malted. Sweet fruits like wine grapes have high concentrations of sugar and are suitable for fermentation; sugar cane is also used for ethanol production. Consumption of Ethanol When ethanol is consumed by a human body, it is quickly passed into the small intestine, where it is absorbed into the bloodstream. It immediately acts as a suppressant on the central nervous system. Too much ethanol (BAC ≈ .4% .5%) can suppress the vital processes in the brainstem, leading to death. Ethanol is metabolized primarily in the liver. The first step involves one of the enzymes used in ethanol production, alcohol dehydrogenase. This enzyme is capable of working in both directions. The result is the same compound that yeast uses to make ethanol, acetaldehyde. Acetaldehyde is the chemical behind hangovers. It is highly toxic, more so than ethanol. It causes liver damage and is a possible carcinogen. Thankfully, when the liver has to deal with only a small quantity of acetaldehyde, it almost immediately converts it to acetic acid, commonly associated with vinegar. Acetic acid is harmless. The problems associated with acetaldehyde manifest because ethanol is converted much more quickly than acetic acid can be produced. The result is a buildup of acetaldehyde. To learn a little more about hangovers, follow this link: http://health.howstuffworks.com/hangover4.htm Most of the acetic acid will be excreted in urine. However, the body can also catabolize acetic acid completely to obtain the energy. This is an important ability in other metabolic pathways, like lipid catabolism. Ethanol as an Automobile Fuel Lately, there has been a lot of interest in biofuels, including ethanol. American ethanol is mostly produced with corn, or maize. The process typically involves fermentation and distillation, until pure ethanol is produced. Then, it is mixed with gasoline, as pure ethanol is not a legal automotive fuel in the United States of America. Ethanol: The Next Generation Advances continue to be made with respect to ethanol. For example, new ethanol producing microorganisms are being discovered, including Clostridium ljungdahlii, which can synthesize ethanol from gases creasted by incomplete buringing of organic matter, carbon monoxide (CO) and hydrogen gas (H2). Ethanol is also a prospective fuel- cell fuel. As continued research by biologists and other scientist progresses, we should see new and exciting things for the product of humanity’s first controlled organic reaction. References Wikipedia. <http://www.wikipedia.org>. “BIOL 103 Lecture 26.” Accessed 19 June 2008. <http://webs.wichita.edu/mschneegurt/biol103/ lecture26/lecture26.html>. Prof. Shakhashiri. “Ethanol.” 23 Jan 2008. Accessed 19 June 2008. UW Madison. <http://scifun.chem.wisc.edu/CHEMWEEK/PDF/Ethanol.pdf>. Clayton, Mark. “The politics of ethanol outshine its costs.” Christian Science Monitor. 15 Nov 2007. Accessed 20 June 2008. <http://www.csmonitor.com/2007/1115/p02s02-uspo.html>. Lang, Susan S. “Cornell ecologist's study finds that producing ethanol and biodiesel from corn and other crops is not worth the energy.” Accessed 20 June 2008. <http://www.news.cornell.edu/stories/July05/ethanol.toocostly.ssl.html>. Lederer, Edith M. “UN Expert Calls Biofuels ‘Crime Against Humanity’.” 27 October 2007. Accessed 20 June 2008. <http://www.livescience.com/environment/071027-ap-biofuel-crime.html>.
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